Human Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Symposium @ Li Ka Shing Center | Stanford | California | United States
Stanford Presence Center invites you to our inaugural Human & Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Symposium  This symposium at the intersection of the art, science, engineering, and economics of medicine seeks to engage clinicians, patients, engineers,[...]
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: The Hope, The Hype, The Promise, The Peril @ Hauck Auditorium, Stanford University
SAVE THE DATE–November 8, 2019 This meeting is based on a Special Publication published by the National Academy of Medicine. Click here to add this event to your calendar. Full program details to follow.
SBM@theBedside During COVID19 August Webinar
The Stanford Presence Center and Stanford 25/Program in Bedside Medicine are collaborating with the Society of Bedside Medicine (SBM) to deliver a series of webinars entitled “SBM@theBedside During COVID19”. Tapping on the expertise and experience of Society leadership (and over time,[...]